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Clubs and Societies

There is a wide range of activities for students to enjoy at lunch and after School; from darts to debating, chess to choir and much, much more! Thanks to our dedicated staff and students who give up their time to run these activities, there really is something for everyone to get involved with during their free time in School.

Joining a club provides an opportunity for our students to boost their confidence, interact socially with others, including those outside their own friendship circle, and it can provide them with an exciting chance to learn new skills and abilities. Above all, lots of these extracurricular clubs offer an important space to have fun and relax away from the pressures of School work. We hope to see as many of our students as possible taking advantage of the numerous clubs on offer, a list of which can be found below.

If students are interested in joining a society, they may simply turn up to the activity as per the documents below if the club is open to their year group. If a club has a specific sign-up process, this is detailed in the club description. Many student-led clubs start in Term 2 once Year 12 Subject Prefects are in place.

The Music activities and Sports clubs are listed in separate documents; these change on a termly basis and the lists below will be updated accordingly.

Students should also check the Student Notices that are shown during Tutor Time daily for updates/cancellations etc.