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Student Leadership

Developing Student Leadership is an important aspect of our Personal Development programme; not only does it offer students the opportunity to have a tangible impact on multiple areas of School life but it also helps them develop and practise a range of different skills that will serve them both now and in the future. It can help students build confidence, develop communication skills, and motivate them to engage directly in the life and wider improvement of our School. It also enables students to become advocates for their own needs and the needs of others which lies at the heart of building a sense of community and prepares our students to be responsible, active citizens in whatever they choose to do beyond their time at School.

Student Council

There are a wide range of leadership opportunities for our students but at the heart of the Student Voice process is our Student Council. The Council is well-established throughout the School and all meetings are minuted by the Year 13 Senior Prefects and Head Students who take on the role of Chair.

Each tutor group from Years 7 – 12 has a designated Student Council Representative. The aims of our Council are:

1. To provide a forum for the exchange of views between students and staff on issues relevant to daily School life

2. To empower students to represent the School community and work in partnership with staff towards shared goals and ambitions

3. To provide an opportunity for staff to seek student feedback on a range of issues

4. To promote understanding and respect amongst all members of the School community

A Student Council Representative holds the post for one year and all students have the opportunity to apply to undertake this role early in September – information about how to apply is posted on Student Notices and Satchel:One.


Head Students and Senior Prefects

Leading our Student Council and driving initiatives in other areas of School life are our Head Student team and Year 13 Senior Prefects. They are organised into 10 committees, each with a different focus, and the work they do is crucial in leading positive change and helping to cultivate a sense of belonging in our School community. In the past our Year 13 leaders have organised pastoral and academic mentoring, confidence-building buddying sessions, bake-off competitions, talent shows, interform sports competitions, rewards mornings, fundraising events, mental health awareness events, Culture Week, House events, assemblies and much, much more. Year on year they prove themselves to be admirable role models for our younger students and, whilst juggling their own studies, work commitments and extracurricular activities, they are remarkable ambassadors for the School.


2024-2025 Head Student Team

2024-2025 Senior Prefect Committees


Equality and Diversity

Mental Health

Activities and Outreach


Year 7 Committee

Courtney Pudney

Abigail Heywood

Ben Aldred & Sasha Milne

Harrison Smith

Hermione King

Mikella Sarfo

Aarnav Bajaj

Libby Moore

Abira Suyaraj

Cameron Adam

Anica Andali

Delicia Johnson

Olivia Richardson

Kornelia Sikora

Emilia Beacham

Kai Bhandari

Amelia Smythe

Lily Rundle

Jess Gois

Briony Nelson

Manasa Gigi

Arunima Vemulapalli

Alyssa Mascot

Maria Klatiewicz


Isabella Perna





Year 8 Committee

Year 9 Committee

Year 10 Committee

Year 11 Committee

Year 12 Committee

Sanjani Mamillapalle

Jack Knowles

Imogen Leaton

Elizabeth Burrows

Grace Burrows

Lottie Staff

Ella Gynn

Sam Gupta

Lottie Crane

Madison Mylchreest

Theo Bryson

Sai Kandikattu

Eva Larter

Connie Bayliss

Kamila Navyte

Zara Wildsmith

Harrie Metcalfe

Anika Jain

Marcos Sanchiz-Boris

Lily Troth





Isla Baker


Further Leadership Opportunities

There are additional leadership opportunities for students across different year groups that are detailed below. We also encourage students who have ideas to lead their own initiatives or clubs to speak to a member of staff.

Year 12 Subject Prefects

Our Year 12 Subject Prefects support academic departments in a variety of different ways; whether mentoring younger students, running clubs / activities or offering their support during whole School events and evenings, students are able to develop their passion for a subject whilst also helping staff and other students.   

Sports Leadership

The PE department develop leadership skills across all key stages and in particular work with our Year 10 GCSE PE students to enable them to hone these skills. During the year, students opt for one of three Leadership courses which helps them to:

  • Develop personal skills of communication, planning organisation and positioning.
  • Lead basic warm-ups to their peers
  • Lead skills sessions to small groups

A highlight of this programme is when our students have the opportunity to work with local Primary School children to run tournaments or lead circuit / dance sessions.

Pastoral Leadership and Year 7 Prefects

Some year groups have pastoral leadership opportunities that can include students taking on roles such as Sports Reps, Charity Reps or Activity Reps. In Year 12, students have the opportunity to become Year 7 Prefects and work closely with a Year 7 form during Tutor Time. This enables them to support students in their transition to secondary school, focusing on issues such as organisation, friendship and how to manage their work and BBL.

Literacy Mentors

A very rewarding opportunity for Year 12 students is to become a Literacy Mentor. Working closely with Mrs Clark, Literacy Coordinator, they regularly meet with students in Year 7 to support them with reading fluency and comprehension, spelling and writing. Students receive training to undertake this role and it is mutually beneficial; the younger students build their confidence and make progress with literacy whilst the older students learn how to hone their communication skills, motivate and guide their younger peers.

House Captains

Each House has a team of House Captains including students from Years 7 -13. They help the House Leaders to organise and run events and are the link between the forms in each House and the House Leaders. All students are offered the opportunity to apply to become a House Captain in September and to work with staff and students to promote participation across the school and champion the ethos of the House System.