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Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme (DofE) is a key extracurricular activity offered to Bourne Grammar School students in Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12.  The scheme provides an opportunity to develop new skills, discover new interests, develop independence, and have fun with friends whilst working towards a mark of achievement that is recognised by universities and employers. Anyone can participate regardless of gender, ability or background.

There are 3 award levels that are offered for different year groups:


Bronze Award

Year 10

Silver Award

Year 11

Gold Award

Year 12

Each award is split into 4 sections:


An opportunity for participants to help other members of the community.  Students will develop communication and organisational skills whilst helping others in a range of different ways.  From working in a charity shop to litter picking, helping with sports coaching to fundraising for local events, this activity will boost confidence and help students gain a better appreciation for their local community.


Participants are required to improve their fitness for this section.   They can do this as part of a team or individually so long as they show personal improvement throughout the activity.  The activity must require a sustained level of activity and can be something they are already part of or students may wish to try something new.  Examples include, football, martial arts, sailing, hiking, racquet sports and horse riding.


This section requires the brain and hands and should show a developed understanding of the chosen activity.  Students can develop a current skill such as playing an instrument or embark on a new challenge. Other ideas include, playing chess, model making, podcasting, acting and choreography.


For all awards students take part in hiking expeditions that run between April and July for all levels as follows:


Training Weekend / Practice Expedition

Qualifying Expedition

Bronze Award

May (Horbling area)

June (Grimsthorpe area)

Silver Award

April (Rutland area)

July (Peak District)

Gold Award

April (Yorkshire Dales)

July (Lake District)

Bourne Grammar School are supported by a highly skilled and enthusiastic team of volunteers (parents and teachers) who assist in the training and supervision of the expeditions.  Training takes place during term time lunchtimes (with additional training days at weekends allocated for Silver and Gold levels).

For more information, please see Do DofE - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award or email Becca Brett, DofE Manager here.