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Welfare & Support

If you would like more information about support at Bourne Grammar School, or if you would like to discuss your child's wellbeing, please contact Mrs Ford, Student Manager, here.

Additional support beyond the School can be accessed through the links below:

Beat (0808 801 0677) - Helpline, webchat and online support groups for people with eating problems, like anorexia and bulimia.

Child Bereavement UK - Help for children, young people, parents and families after the death of someone close. Offers support through local services, groups for young people, plus films and blogs.

Hub of Hope for a UK-wide database of mental health charities and organisations offering advice and support.

Kooth - free, anonymous and safe mental wellbeing support for young people in Lincolnshire. 

NHS Every Mind Matters - Information and advice on mental health and wellbeing for young people.

No Panic - Provides support to young people experiencing panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a 6-week Youth Mentoring Scheme online or by phone.

OCD Youth - Information and resources for young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Our Time - Information and workshops for children and young people whose parents or carers experience mental health problems.

Papyrus - Support and advice for people under 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts or finding it hard to cope. Provides support for anyone concerned about another young person.

Samaritans 116 123 any time, day or night.

Self-Injury Support - Supports women and girls who self-harm or have experienced trauma and abuse. Offers information and self-help tools online for anyone to use.

Text SHOUT on 85258 to access free, confidential and anonymous 24/7 text support for anyone struggling to cope.

The Mix for a crisis messenger textline, discussion board and short-term counselling by phone and online.

The Ollie Foundation - Help and advice for young people experiencing suicidal feelings. Provides support and information for anyone worried about another young person.

Young Minds - Mental health support for young people, parents and carers.