Ski Trip 2025 - Andorra

The annual ski trip took place over the half term, here are reports from some of the students.
Tia Ely - On the first day of skiing, we had to be down in the lobby by 6:50 in the morning and head down for breakfast at 7. It was a very chaotic, but it was worth it as this was the day that we put our skies in the lockers and didn’t have to worry about them for the rest of the trip. In my group the first day was a bit chaotic but we slowly got into the rhythm of what we needed to learn. As a person who had no one I knew in my group I decided to make some friends; I talked to a few people who were really sweet. We learnt how to parallel ski which was very exciting. For lunch we had meatballs and pasta - this was so needed after a really tiring morning of skiing. In total we skied 36km in one day so our legs were really exhausted but to cheer us all up we had a karaoke night; this was a night where we could all have a laugh and not be so serious. Some people sang ‘call me maybe’ others sang ‘old town round’ and there was laughter along the way. All in all, it was such a good first day of skiing and it just got better and better throughout the week; this was a trip to remember.
Hermione Lumb - This ski trip was a once in a lifetime experience and I had so much fun (and falls). The evening activities were fun and the town was beautiful. The ski coaches were friendly and kind; I hope to go again. Ms Dorosenko planned an amazing trip, and I loved it.
Freddie Neal - The second day of skiing was an eventful one! Some people were moved between different groups (me included), but everyone had a great day skiing, with a few spectacular falls. Despite a few bruises as souvenirs, everyone was excited for karaoke, which did not disappoint. Notable performers included Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Sutherland, who sang most of the songs alongside everyone else, as well as a few duets. Amazing day overall!
Emma Chantrell and Kate Rees - Our day of skiing was full of tumbles, laughter and progress. We fell plenty but always got back up with a smile, determined to improve. As the day went on, our confidence grew, turns became smoother and falls less frequent. By the end, our legs ached, but we left the slopes stronger, happier and ready for more. After a long day of skiing, we were happy to settle down for the evening and enjoy some quality time with our peers.