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Curriculum Overview

Year 7

Students study the following subjects in tutor groups: Art, Computer Science, Design Engineering, Drama, English, EPR (Ethics, Philosophy & Religion), Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Personal Development, PE, Science and Spanish. Lessons are taught across a two-week timetable; there is no setting by ability in any subject.

Year 8

As per Year 7, except for the teaching of Mathematics and English which are set by ability from the start of the year.

Year 9

All students study: Art, Computer Science, Design Engineering, Drama, English, EPR, Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Personal Development, PE, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), and Spanish.

English, Mathematics and Science are taught in sets arranged by ability. Students are placed in one of two setting bands: G or S. The S and G bands are each subdivided into four ability sets: S1 (upper set), S2 (upper middle set), S3 (lower middle set) and S4 (lower set). G1 and S1 are sets of broadly equivalent ability, as are G2 and S2, G3 and S3, and G4 and S4.

French is studied by the more-able linguists. Students not studying French take additional lessons in Spanish.

Years 10 and 11

Students study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Spanish in sets within the S and G banding structure. A non-examined course in PE is also followed by all students.

Students have a free choice of three subjects for their GCSE options; they must select at least one Humanity subject from Geography, History and EPR, and then make two further choices from Art, Computer Science, Design Engineering, Drama, EPR, French, Geography, History, Music, Personal Development*, PE, RE*, Statistics, Statistics & Further Mathematics (eligibility determined by assessment).

* Personal Development and RE are to be taught in Y10 for the first time in the 2024-25 academic year. They will be introduced into the Year 11 curriculum from September 2025.

Sixth Form

Full details of the A-Level subjects offered in Sixth Form can be found in our Sixth Form pages.


Equality and SEND

You can read more about how we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by reading the relevant policies here.


16-19 Study Programme

You can learn about our post-16 options in the Sixth Form by visiting our dedicated pages here.


More information

Click here to contact us if you wish to learn more about our curriculum.