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2022 Results

Performance Data

Key figures from the Government’s most recent ‘Compare School Performance’ website (including Progress 8 and Attainment 8 metrics) are available using the link on the right, relating to the 2018-2019 academic year. No data are published for the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 academic years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Summer 2022 Progress 8 figure will be made available here when the data are published later in the year. Historically, our Progress 8 figure is significantly positive. This means that, on average and despite our intake at Year 7 being selective, our students achieve GCSE grades which are 80% of a grade ahead of those they might be expected to achieve. Our impressive, statistically significant figure is further evidence that our students’ fabulous success at GCSE really is, at least in part, due to factors within the control of this particular School, such as teaching quality, academic support and pastoral care.

The Department for Education School Performance tables for our school can be found here.

GCSE Data August 2022

No of students in cohort


Progress 8 Score


Attainment 8 Score


% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate


Average EBacc APS score per pupil


% Achieving grade 5 or above in the English Baccalaureate


No of students obtaining 5 or more 9-4’s including Grade 4 in English & Maths


Students staying in Education or Employment after Year 11: 99.2%


A-Level Results August 2022

A*-C grades


A*-E grades


Average Grade students obtained at KS5


Students who returned to Year 13


Students who finish end of KS5


Progress Score Pending
Average Points 43.0 (B-)

GCSE and A-Level  Performance Table data can be viewed here.


Post-18 Destinations

212 students (85% of the cohort) applied to university via UCAS out of 249 in the year group.

196 of these students gained a place at university, of which...

  • 171 gained a place at their first-choice university,
  • 12 gained a place at their second-choice university,
  • 29 accepted an unconditional offer,
  • 13 gained a university place through clearing,
  • 1 went to a music conservatoire.

Of those who have gone on to University…

  • 74 students are attending Russell Group institutions, including 2 at Oxbridge,
  • 5 students have gone on to study Medicine.

Of the remaining 44 students (based on parental survey data):

  • 21 are taking gap years prior to applying for university,
  • 16 are seeking work or have secured apprenticeships,
  • 1 has joined the armed forces.