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Information for Parents

Parents can be a valued support when considering pathways, options and careers. Parents can help their children by encouraging them to:

  • Attend the biennial Careers Fair which is held during the evening in Autumn.
  • Encouraging them to consider their choices carefully and then helping with practical arrangements to attend GCSE and post-16 options evenings and open evenings. It is also possible to attend University open days in the summer after GCSEs and this is to be encouraged to start exploring subject options and to allow students to attend a greater number of open days and see a wider range of universities. In sixth form students should be encouraged to attend relevant university days especially offer holder days if not earlier.
  • For students in sixth form encouraging them to start looking promptly for work experience placements and to encourage them to use existing networks and also proactively look for new options.
  • Parents are given the option to sign up for Unifrog when their children sign up in Year 7 so that you can start researching alongside your child. If you need a log in please contact Mrs H Elliot at

The following websites are useful for parents with students considering their post 16 options:

Parent Information (

Pick a route | Informed Choices

Please find below useful parent guides to the university application process and apprenticeships.