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A-Level Results

Students have, once again, risen to the most difficult of academic challenges.

Prior to remark impacts the average points score has, once again, exceeded 38 and over 10% of all grades were at A* level, better than any previous non-Covid year in modern times bar 2018. A*-B grades currently sit at 62.8% of the total, better already than both 2017 and 2019 from non-Covid years, and after remarks we anticipate it may also challenge the 63.9% of 2023. Well done to all!

A full set of A* grades was achieved by 7 students: Anthony Catherwood, Cerys Edwards, Elijah Ford, Zoe Husbands, Owen James, Megan Smith and Aman Tam. Additionally, a further 14 students achieved at least 2 A* grades within their spread of 3 or 4 A-Levels: Evie Beaton, Charlie Buckley, Harry Child, Alexa Clarke-McLeish, Catie Dawson, William Gardner, Luca Harrison, Erin Holden, Annabel Hope, Charlie Knight, Froher Nabizadah, James Pembery, Arslan Shahid, Tanith Storm. This represents an extraordinary level of performance, and all deserve huge congratulations.

This has been a fabulous cohort of students, lauded by school staff over many years, and we are delighted to see them be so successful. They are now well-equipped for life beyond school, and we wish them well as they move on as adults to the next phase of life. 

To our leavers: remember your roots and celebrate what you have achieved in your happy school days. Take friendships with you, stay in touch and let us know how your career paths develop. We may ask you back to speak to the next generation of BGS graduates! You have been wonderful ambassadors for your school and we wish you the very best of fortune in the years to come.

More photos from A-Level results day can be seen in today's School Bulletin.